Hand Device

We have designed a new device, the Hand Articulation Neuro-training Device (HAND, JHU reference #C14603) that can detect micro-isometric forces at the fingertips in 3D. This device has a custom-developed highly sensitive finger-force sensor (at the milli-Newton level, sampled at 1KHz per axis). Its high level of sensitivity allows us to detect small forces and thus record rich kinetic data at an unprecedented level of granularity. The setup is also lightweight and portable, using an ergonomic shape with wrist and fingertip support, allowing patients with severely impaired hands to use it. The device is equipped with a cross-platform and low-latency communication protocol to allow precise temporal and spatial recording in the experiments. This study will be the first extensive application of this device and will provide important information on the feasibility of the device as a future clinical assessment and rehabilitation tool.

Smart Guitar

Together with musicians and engineers, we developed the SmartGuitar, an experimental musical instrument designed to measure real-time finger forces applied by the fretting hand onto the frets of the guitar from 72 force channels built inside a real guitar.

Planar Reaching

We have an in-house table-top planar reaching device that can track upper-limb motion in a frictionless environment. It also allows us to manipulate visual input in various motor learning and control tasks via projector monitor with participants vision of their upper limb blocked. Hand and arm positions are tracked with 3D Guidance system with magnetic sensors.

Kinarm End-Point Lab

The Kinarm End-Point robot is a stiff, graspable robot that can create highly complex mechanical environments. High-resolution secondary encoders and force/torque sensors provide outstanding feedback signals. Grip force handle provides the capacity to track hand grip forces in upper-limb motor control and learning tasks.

Eyelink 1000 Plus

Eyelink 1000 Plus provides precise and flexible eye movement tracking to accompany various motor tasks to study eye-hand coordination.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

A full setup for rTMS and various single-pulse and paired-pulse magnetic stimulation devices, accompanied with Brainsight TMS navigation system and Delsys Trigno EMG system.

MRI Scanner and Compatible Devices

General Electric 32-channel fixed-site Discovery MR750 3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) magnet at the UGA Bio-Imaging Research Center (BIRC)

Vicon Motion Capture

A comprehensive motion capture setup, featuring an array of high-speed cameras, precise markers, and advanced software, designed to capture and translate human movement into digital data for performing biomechanical analysis of human Upper Limb